About Me

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kUala LumPur, Malaysia
...In our daily activities whenever we remember Allah, thank Him, because it is a gift that we're conscious of Him during our affairs. And Don't become hopeless if our du'a is not answered. It could be that Allah saved us from a greater calamity n granting us a bigger blessing #NoteToSelf :) ...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

aBouT mEe!!!

okeyh!!!fest skalie nk ucap time kaseh at ma cousin...
cozZ die y aja wat blog nie...da la aja ps2 lri cm2 je...
mle2 ta rti la jgak nk up2 an bende nie...tpi lazZlie rti jgak...
huhuhuu..^^mle2 mmng cmnie tpi da lme2 tu rti la jgak...
aq nie jnis kurang sabo...temper la jgak.smpi 1arie 2
nk je bling2 pisau at die...de orang tuh ckp i`m wierd!!!>_<
aq pown ta taw pe y plek...aq ske tkar2 mo0d...
tpi ta bape psti la aq nie mcmmner...juzZ orng y tngok aq je bley 
beza an aq nie cmmner...aq ta ley nilai dirie sndirie...huhuhuh 
ermmm...wat maser nie tader idea lgie
tnggu la t law aq de storie best2...aq storie...
akhir kate wassalam...